Chapter Six

Published on 23 July 2024 at 16:10

Thunder clapped in the distance just as my eyes peeled open for the first time the following morning. Staring up at the dark gray sky with a large yawn. I stretched my body out to shake off the stiffness in my bones and muscles from their lack of activity through the night. A little sore from combat the day prior. I wasn't in any kind of rush to actually get up. Even with the impending storm that seems to be right above me. But, then I began to think about coffee.


Sitting up and then looking around the garden. I could see all my vegetables were growing really well. My eyes scanned the wilderness that was once a parking lot for any threats before climbing to my feet. I scooped up my blanket and pillow and made my way to the dam house. As my hand grabbed to the door knob to twist and push open, the sky began to cry. A few rain drops striking me before I entered the dam house.


Not sure if I could switch the lights on because of the baby, I quickly whispered. Asking if it were okay to turn the light on. Just in case the woman had woken up. Listening for a moment before I approached where my bed was. Where I left the woman. Unsure how her and the baby would fair through the night. But what else could I have done? 


"Is there anyway to get some air in here?" A soft voice with a spanish accent asked. It was her! She was awake and she was fine. I can't express to you how happy I was in this moment, I saved her. Me, someone who was still in High School when all this shit went down. I was over the moon.


"I can open the garage door," I replied through the darkness. "It's loud."


"That's okay. She's feeding, so she's awake."


So, that's exactly what I did. I opened the garage door for air. I stood the in the light that shined in from outside and watched the rain strike the surface of the earth. It felt surreal. Hear I was looking after a woman who had just given birth and we were safe. I was feeling really good about myself and for the first time in a long time my had hope for the future had been restored. A new chapter for me, for her, for both of us. I don't know this woman from a rock on the ground but, that baby already meant the world to me. Not as if I were the father, but something I felt needed me. I felt, reliable. Clenching my fist as the memories fled back, hoping I don't fuck it up again. I've changed. At least I hope I have.


As I stood watching puddles form outside, I felt a presence next to me. Turning my head to see her standing there. Baby under a blanket clenched to her chest. I could her the sound of the baby feeding and immediately felt awkward for looking at her so I turned my attention back to the terrible yet peaceful weather that we were both find tranquility in.


"Gloria." The woman blurted in a soft voice.


"The baby?"


She shook her head and then said "That's my name."


My face showed the realization and I stuck my hand out to shake hers as I said "Brayden."


"Nice to meet you, Brayden." She said it with a smile as she grabbed ahold of my hand and shook it. Her eyes were big and brown, with extremely dark circles around them. Her light brown skin was pale and she was dirty. Which all of that is understandable given what she's been through the past 24 hours. 


"Nice to meet you. I'm sorry about..." I started before she cut me off with a hush.


"Greg. It's okay. I didn't know him very long but he was nice."


"He wasn't the father?"


"No, he wasn't. My husband was taken by some mercenaries. We were settled in the harbor of Portsmouth but, a few weeks ago these militarized men should up and started grabbing people." As she spoke a single tear streamed down her face. "I don't know if he's alive or not. But, I have hope."


"Where do you think they would've taken him?"


"There had been a lot of talk about a group of mercenaries that have set up an empire somewhere around Boston and they send hunting parties out to capture slaves to tend to their crops and essentially serve them."


"What the fuck!"


"Humans," she said as she shook her head.


I turned my head back to the rain fall before saying "I lost my dad a couple years back."


"Sorry the hear that. We all have lost someone at this point." Gloria pulled the baby away from her chest and began to burp her. "Losing a parent is never easy. What about your mother?"


"I lost my mother in the beginning. Before anyone knew what was going on. And my sister, well she lasted awhile with us. I'm not sure if my dad ever forgave me for what happened. Not fully anyway."


"I'm sure he did." Gloria started to shake a little bit before saying she didn't feel well. Just then she fell backwards as I reached out and snatched the baby from her hands before she hit the floor.




Wrapping the baby in a blanket and tieing her to my chest. I picked Gloria up and dragged her to the bed. She was soaked in sweat. She needed anti-biotics. First I got a rag and wet it with cool water before placing it on her forehead. I then grabbed a pot and put some water in that as well. Quickly dashing to my cupboard and grabbing some spices. Garlic and cinnamon. I then put the pot of water on the stove and started the heater. With the baby still strapped to my chest I ran out to the garden and snipped some basil and sage before pulling a ginger root. 


Once back inside I chopped up the sage, basil, and ginger and threw them into the pot. Pouring the garlic and cinnamon afterwards. I stirred it up while it heated for about fifteen minutes. Put it in a blender and then a cup and made Gloria drink it. She almost threw up as I can imagine the taste probably sucked. But, all the ingredients serve as anti-biotics, fighting infections, bacteria, and viruses. Now all that is left is praying and rest. 



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