Chapter Seven

Published on 29 July 2024 at 20:38

The air smelt stale and moldy. Dust and musk filled the air while I traveled down the aisle that was barely an aisle now that it had been ransacked for everything it possessed. It looked like the store had a miniature tornado inside the building. Five years of the end of the world, finding pain killers was definitely going to be hard. Although that drink I made for Gloria was for it's anti-biotic properties the ginger root would also help with pain. Since she did just give birth naturally I felt like she deserved more of an immediate releif. But, finding some will be a problem.


I saw drawings on the wall. Like, children's finger painting. Was someone staying here with a child? Staring at it before moving on to the hallway that was right next to where the paintings on the wall were. Walking through a swinging door to a puddle of blood. Stepping right in it, I was immediately on alert and I raised my rifle to my face so that I was able to see the sights to ensure that I wouldn't miss my target. Preparing myself for the worse. The whole office area was cluttered with boxes and crates. Pill bottles and trash filled the floors. It was difficult to move diligently while keeping my eye on the sights and trying to watch where I was walking.


The office door had blood smeared on it and on the door knob. Standing still for a moment, a bead of sweat trickled down the side of my face. Glancing into the back room before reaching my hand out to grab ahold of the knob. I kept my trigger hand on the gun and did my best to support the weight to keep the rifle snug up to my face. Turning the door knob and hearing the click of the door opening instantly jolted me full of adrenaline and my heart began to pound out of my chest. I slowly pushed the door open to reveal a dark room full of blood and filth. A man and a woman were hanging by the neck in the center of the room. My mouth began to feel dry like I had just stuffed it full of cotton balls. I lowered my rifle and stared at this gross scene when I saw something hunched over in the corner of the room. Unable to determine what it was from where I was standing, I had to get closer. 


I took a couple steps toward this figure, when it moved. Startled, I quickly raised my rifle and took aim. Just then the figure stood up. It was small, standing around 4 foot tall. It began walking towards me. Just then it hit me, this is a child. Possibly the child that created the art on the wall. He's been sitting in here with his dead parents. That has to be traumatizing. He stepped into the light and I could see his flesh was rotting and there was blood around his mouth.


"Fuck," I blurted out loud as the kid growled at me. Without hesitation I took aim on his head and squeezed the trigger. He dropped like a sack of potatoes. Standing there in the silence, waiting for something to charge in after hearing the gun fire. My ears were ringing while I stared at the body of this boy. Probably somewhere between 8 to 10 years old. Poor kid never got to live like a kid should.


While I waited for something to be trying to find me, I noticed a pill bottle on the table. Slowly approaching the table, I could read the label. "Flexeril." It also appeared to have a few pills inside. This stuff isn't exactly a pain reliever. But, it is a muscle relaxant which could give Gloria some relief from the trauma her body experienced. So, I swiped the bottle and stuffed it into my pocket. Not sure if I should continue looking around or not. I chose to head back home. I did this run on foot so that I didn't attract any unwanted attention from the dead and the living alike. With a baby at home, I prefer to keep her as safe as possible.


It was a long walk home. But, I didn't mind. I'm used to being active. I will say though, I am awfully sore from the day before. Fighting and running. It took a lot out of me. But, I feel things happen for a reason and I do believe I was supposed to be there regardless of the hardship, in order to help bring Gloria's baby into the world and help protect her. That baby is our future. We have to make sure we have one.


I walked through the gate, shutting and locking it behind me. As I approached the door to the dam building I heard singing. I turned my head and noticed the ladder was down to the falls. Intrigued I decided to approach the wall. Peering down over the edge to the falls. Gloria, was under the water. She was singing a beautiful song. I never heard anything like it before. Her brown skin almost seemed to shine gold in the light of the sun. Her voice like and angel and I found myself aw struck. Her eyes were sunken in, she was in desperate need of rest. Just then she looked up at me. I shook my head, covered my eyes and shouted "Sorry." But, all I heard from her was a giggle as I backked away from the edge.


That was the first naked woman I've ever seen in person. I mean yeah I seen pictures and both me and my dad read medical books everyday just in case. Which is how I knew I needed to sow her area. But, seeing her like this, it was arousing. And embarrassing. So, I just went into the building to and sat next to the baby. Just in case she started to cry. And when her mother was done bathing, I gave her the pills I found and they helped a lot. 


We had dinner together and a nice conversation about our lives before this all went down. Gloria was a Lawyer up in Portland. And I was in High School. She lost a lot, and so did I. She thanked me for all I've done before taking the baby to bed. And I found myself laying under the stars once again. Pondering on life and the future. The baby being here has definitely made me look to the future more often within my mind. What's next for us? I guess we'll have to find out.




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