Chapter Seven

The air smelt stale and moldy. Dust and musk filled the air while I traveled down the aisle that was barely an aisle now that it had been ransacked for everything it possessed. It looked like the store had a miniature tornado inside the building. Five years of the end of the world, finding pain killers was definitely going to be hard. Although that drink I made for Gloria was for it's anti-biotic properties the ginger root would also help with pain. Since she did just give birth naturally I felt like she deserved more of an immediate releif. But, finding some will be a problem.

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Chapter Six

Thunder clapped in the distance just as my eyes peeled open for the first time the following morning. Staring up at the dark gray sky with a large yawn. I stretched my body out to shake off the stiffness in my bones and muscles from their lack of activity through the night. A little sore from combat the day prior. I wasn't in any kind of rush to actually get up. Even with the impending storm that seems to be right above me. But, then I began to think about coffee.

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Chapter Five

My lungs were burning and sweat was pouring from every spot on my body. I was trying to catch my breath as I entered the field of the barn as the sun was beginning to sweat. I must've been running for hours. But, fortunately it worked, all the dead heads cleared out to chase me. I slowly walked across the field, a little scared to enter the barn to find the woman dead or something. Wishing I did not have to leave her alone. Although I didn't have an interest in helping them, I felt obligated now.

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Chapter Four

I stood in the middle of the street, not really knowing what to do as more screaming came into ear shot. One loud booming roar rang in the distance. They are now aware of us and decending on our position. I can't go home. Even if the tires weren't slashed. Has someone been watching me? Stalking? Was it the dirty man I saw the night prior. The tomato theif? Unsure of what to do next, I just sort of froze. Stuck like I was in shock. The man's hand interrupted my spaced out mind.

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Chapter Three

Tears flowed from the woman's eyes as I rubbed the back of my head. She began to hysterically speak in spanish. Which, I could understand a little bit. The gist of her words were basically pleading for their lives and her unborn child. Saying she was hungry and needed food and they found the cows by passing by and other things I couldn't make out. She pointed at the man on the ground who also had tears forming in his eyes, as I'm sure they both assumed I would kill them. Although I was fairly pissed off about having a gun pointed at my head and being struck with a shovel. I would never do such a thing. I'm not sure if they wouldn't have killed me though. 

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Chapter Two

The chain link fence was cold to the touch as I pressed against it to watch this man run down the path before disappearing. Should I have killed him? What if he comes back with friends and takes everything that I have? I have plenty of guns and ammo. I don't use much of that anymore so I feel like I could defend against an attack from hungry scavengers. Not once have I really seen a zombie or a person down here. That's twice today, first the geek across the river and now this guy. I hope I scared him enough to not come back. But, I'd prepare for the worse and hope for the best.

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Chapter One

The sun was beaming down on me as I jogged down the street. My dad had always stressed to me staying active. Got to make sure you keep your lung capacity up, you never know when you're going to need to run. Before this all happened I used to roll my eyes at him. But, now. Now I'm grateful he stressed this to my sister and I. There has been a great deal of moments that I may not be here to tell you this story if I hadn't heeded his words throughout the years.

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